Rants and raves from inside the corporate machine. Help Centers can be fun and enteraining... NOT. Unless you're making fun of other people.
Prophet's Articles
September 10, 2004 by Prophet
Article on the bad things about online drug sites.... Advertising on online drug sites....
September 10, 2004 by Prophet
This one will be short. Sometimes, I just don't understand. Earlier this month, I was asked to take on a project to research the types of calls that the help desk receives after an employee get's a new machine and make recommendations. I requested addtional information and was told to look at a 2 week window after receipt of the new machine and look for any areas of improvements that we might make, like wireless LAN . Ok. Timeline? No definite timeline. Just as you have time. So I accept ...
September 10, 2004 by Prophet
So, another cog has escaped.  Sadly, it's one of my friends.  It's interesting that the people I would most like to see leave are the ones that seem to be destined to be here forever...  In the same department...  Asking me pointless questions.  But, I just wanted to say that I will miss him.  One of the few people here that still had a sense of humor.  Seems like no one here does anymore.  Maybe because... I work for a help desk.  Welcome to ...
September 10, 2004 by Prophet
So I'm in the corporate machine. I always wanted to be here. I always thought that having a career with a large corporation was better than contracts and side jobs. I have really learned what they meant by "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it'. Don't take me wrong, there are days I love my job. Well, some days. Actually, quite a lot less than there used to be. Why you ask? We'll, it comes down to the current environment. Cut that budget! Save money! Efficiency! Op...