Rants and raves from inside the corporate machine. Help Centers can be fun and enteraining... NOT. Unless you're making fun of other people.
Can you take me with you?
Published on September 10, 2004 By Prophet In Life Journals

So, another cog has escaped.  Sadly, it's one of my friends.  It's interesting that the people I would most like to see leave are the ones that seem to be destined to be here forever...  In the same department...  Asking me pointless questions.  But, I just wanted to say that I will miss him.  One of the few people here that still had a sense of humor.  Seems like no one here does anymore.  Maybe because...

I work for a help desk.  Welcome to my nightmare!

Luckily, I work for the help desk.  I don't actually take calls.  Well, not any more.  I did once though.  Now that was a real nightmare.  The call center is strictly for internal employees.  Most people think that would better.  You'd be wrong though.  Our internal employees are arrogant, impatient, rude and just plain unhappy folk.  I know that when you work for help desk the only reason someone calls is if they have a problem.  It's not like they're going to call just to say "Dude, everything worked perfect today!  You guys rock!".  That just doesn't happen.

These people seem to forgot that I work for the same people they do.  I've lost count of the number of times I've heard "Do you know who I am?".  Well, yes I do.  I know who you are, your phone number, department, cubicle location, login, email address, exchange server, IP address, your job title, your boss, your bosses boss, what sites you've browsed to (you wouldn't believe some of those sites!), what you have called about before, what shift you work, when you were hired....  Did I miss anything?  Of course, we don't get to say that.  It's too bad though, some of our employees could use a good kick in the butt.

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